Beer of the Weekend #997: Wavelength

I may not get to 1,000 reviews this year, one of my 2022 resolutions, but I will be close.

The beer of the weekend last week was the last of my liquid birthday gifts: Wavelength, brewed by the Bearded Iris Brewing Company of Nashville, Tennessee.


Serving type: 16-ounce can. “YEAST BOUND N DOWN … 06.13.22” is printed on the bottom. The section I left out is what appears to be a timestamp. This is another pretty old can for an IPA.

Appearance: Poured into Pint Glass Number 1. The color is opaque orange gold. Two fingers of off-white, bubbly, buttery head settles slowly and leaves trails of foam.

Smell: I can smell orange-like citrus from an arms-length away. Grapefruit, gritty citrus, light caramel, light licorice, peaches, cooked fruit, and orange.

Flavor: It is a bitter melange with a boozy edge. It is smoothy and citrusy with a lot of orange. It reminds me of Tang. The bitterness dissipates as the pint warms. The Foxy Lady says “it’s like falling down stairs” because “you’re glad it’s over at the end.” This can is probably not what it used to be, which is not its fault.

Fun facts about Wavelength:

• Style: Double IPA.

• Price: Becoming another year older.

• Alcohol content: 8.3 percent ABV.

• One of the tasting notes for Wavelength on its webpage is “pithy.” I like that and should start using it.

• My annual conference is in Nashville in 2023, so I should give Bearded Iris a visit, though it seems like a hoof from my hotel.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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