Beer of the Weekend #938: 16 Days

Oktoberfest 2020 is long gone, but I have no problem drinking märzen afterward, especially during October.

My plan this weekend was to get a pack of Lion Bridge’s Oktobot, but I couldn’t find it. So I bought a pack of another Iowa-brewed märzen I’ve never tried: 16 Days, brewed by the SingleSpeed Brewing Company of Waterloo, Iowa.

16 Days

The color is medium amber with a honey hue. A finger of off-white head leaves a buttery skim and collar. The head dissipates pretty quickly.

The aroma is typical of the style. Caramel, toasted malt, and some esters. It’s a touch metallic and spicy.

The flavor mostly mirrors the smell, but it is spicier by a few hairs. It’s smooth, and the flavors blend together to make for a tasty brew. The spice works the taste buds. There are flavors of light caramel, toast, and some cherry. It’s a good märzen. It is akin to Millstream’s Oktoberfest, though lighter.

Fun facts about 16 Days:

• Style: Märzen.

• Price: $10.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 5.4 percent ABV.

• 16 Days is named for Munich’s Oktoberfest, which lasts 16 days.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-.


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