Beer of the Weekend #935: Downstream Daydream

It’s been a few weeks since I drank Downstream Daydream, brewed by the Confluence Brewing Company of Des Moines, Iowa, so it’s time to post the review.

Downstream Daydream

The beer is hazy, deep yellow with an orange tint. A finger of off-white, dense, buttery head dissipates slowly and leaves an even sheen and ring.

The aroma is citrusy and reminiscent of summertime—which was pretty fitting when I took these notes. There are scents of orange peel, wheat, and cloves. It’s soft and inviting. It reminds me a lot of hefeweizen.

The flavor is very pleasant and the mouthfeel is smooth. The taste mostly mirrors the aroma, though it is spicier. There are flavors of orange peel, a touch of lemon zest, coriander, and clove.

Fun facts about Downstream Daydream:

• Style: Belgian-style white ale.

• Price: I think it was $9.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 5.3 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-


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