Beer of the Weekend #936: Basic Batch

It’s been a while since I drank pumpkin ale, so I bought a four-pack of Basic Batch, brewed by the Confluence Brewing Company of Des Moines, Iowa.

Basic Batch Pumpkin Ale

The color is hazy amber that looks pumpkin orange. Two fingers of bubbly, off-white head dissipates quickly, leaving a spotted skim and collar.

It smells like pumpkin pie, which is no surprise. Lots of pumpkin and spice, mostly nutmeg. Cinnamon is also present, like it was sprinkled on top. The hint of clove mentioned in the description is also present.

The flavor is mostly pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie can be underwhelming, and Basic Batch tastes underwhelming to me. There are flavors of pumpkin, nutmeg, and cinnamon. There is more nutmeg than pumpkin. It delivers what it promises, and it is easy drinking, especially out of a can while playing darts (which is what I was doing while drinking it Saturday night, sans proper glassware).

Fun facts about Basic Batch:

• Style: Pumpkin ale.

• Price: D’oh! I don’t think I grabbed the receipt, but I assume it was $9.99 a four-pack at the HyVee Drug Store on First Avenue and Rochester in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 5.2 percent ABV.

• I assume the name is a play on the term
basic bitch. It doesn’t say so on the can. Why not make it Basic Patch so it’s a play on basic bitch and pumpkin patch? You know you like it. ;-)

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+/B-


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