Beer of the Weekend #445: Aaah Bock

Today I realized The Quiet Man has been dominated by basketball and beer lately. I hate to admit it, but that will continue at least through this weekend.

I think I finished my latest LV piece and have decided to celebrate with a brew (frankly, I will need a beer if the Hoosiers cannot dig themselves out of this hole): Aaah Bock, brewed by the Great River Brewery of Davenport, Iowa.

The beer is no longer featured on the Great River website so information is lacking. It was featured a few weeks ago, though, when I thought about buying it. Too bad.

Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a nonic pint glass. When I started pouring I thought, “That looks pretty fucking sinister for a lager.” The color is clear, ruby/mahogany. A finger of slightly tanned head dissipated slowly to leave a skim and thin collar of foam.

Smell: Fruity and sweet like a maibock. Apple, raisin, prune, strawberry licorice, sweet caramel, perhaps a little toffee, and helles grassiness.

Taste: It has a nice, medium-bodied mouthfeel. The flavor is sweet at first, but toasted malts slowly emerge to give it a nice balance. Apple, raisin, prune, not so much strawberry licorice but it is present, sweet caramel, and helles grassiness. That’s when smooth toastiness comes into play to offer a countering bitterness.

Drinkability: This is tasty and well-crafted stuff. Great River usually goes big and bold (except with Roller Dam Red) and this is no exception.

Fun facts about Aaah Bock:

-Style: Bock (I assume).

-Price: $1.99/per can at the New Pioneer Co-op in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.

-Alcohol content: 6 percent ABV.

-Back when the beer was profiled on the Great River site, I remember reading that “Aaah” has something to do with
M*A*S*H and/or the military. Regardless, the can’s camouflage color is an obvious connection to the military.

-Speaking of military connection, among the text ringing the top of the can is “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum,” which is Latin for “If you wish for peace, prepare for war.”

-According to the label, the original version, Aaah! Bock, was brewed by the Stone City Brewery. It has been brewed by the Great River crew as a springtime seasonal since 2004.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.

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