Beer of the Weekend #442: Long Hammer IPA

Today’s brown bottle lunch is another beer that comes in a can (thought I think it also comes in bottles): Long Hammer IPA, brewed by the Redhook Ale Brewery of Woodinville, Washington. (Redhook also runs a brewery in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “SEP1412” is written on the bottom, which I assume is the canning date. Yikes.

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is hazy gold. Two fingers of fluffy, white head left an even skim and ring around the edge.

Smell: Floral hops and bready malts. Given the age of the can, I assume most of the hops have fallen out. However, there are hints of grapefruit citrus.

Taste: Decent mouthfeel and floral hops offer a nice bitterness. Bready malts, hints of orange and grapefruit.

Drinkability: Meh. It does not help that this can is almost six months old (I need to be much more vigilant in the beer aisle), but this is not keeping pace with competitors. I will need to try a fresher can in the future, though.

Fun facts about LHIPA:

-Style: American IPA.

-Price: $1.79/can at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.

-Alcohol content: 6.2 percent ABV.

-IBU: 44.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.

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