The Novel Diary: Week 62

Word count: 2,972 (Chapter 5 (2.0)); 43,054 (total).

Last week was pathetic: from last Monday to tonight I only managed to write 1,110 words. Pathetic. It is mostly because I wrote on just two nights — Sunday and Wednesday. Of course, that updated word count also includes last night and tonight. Yowza. Needless to say I am getting bogged down by distractions. Tonight I found my attention and curiosity wandering to the planet Saturn (from something I wrote), the New Horizon’s deep space probe, pictures of the UI’s Pentacrest, the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, and black metal. No wonder Jonathan Franzen writes on a laptop with no Internet connection.

Plus, I feel the urge to write a lot of meaningless filler — lengthy segues for the real meat of each chapter. The filler is pertinent stuff, but I overdo it. I need to get down to brass tacks, damn it! By the end of the week I want to be finished with Chapter 5 (2.0) and working on Chapter 6 (2.0).
