Beer of the Weekend #342: Red's Rye PA

Wow — another beer post. I really need to blog about something different this week.

The beer tonight is Red’s Rye PA, brewed by the Founders Brewing Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. What I assume is the born on date printed on the shoulder is “02/22/12.”

Appearance: Straight pour into a tulip. The Founders website calls the color “crimson” and I agree. (I do not think I have ever used “crimson” to describe a beer, but it is a fitting word.) One finger of bubbly, eggshell-colored head dissipated fairly quickly to leave a bubbly ring around the edge and a thin lacing.

Smell: I immediately caught a whiff of grapefruit when I popped the cap. Once in the glass, the grapefruit becomes part of a mouthwatering balance. Team Hops features grapefruit, orange, and lemon. Commanding point and controlling the offense is sweet caramel, while pine provides an outside threat. This is definitely sweet caramel’s team, though, as it forms the foundation of the overall aroma. Rye spice may be the sixth man, but I really do not smell it.

Taste: The bitterness I was expecting did not materialize. In its place, though, is an adequate hoppy bite. Much like the smell, the balance is superb. Caramel provides a thick and solid base for the grapefruit, orange, and lemon citrus, and everything is garnished with a little pine. There is a little hint of pumpernickel breadiness, but other than that I really cannot detect the rye; it does not register for me (or I have no clue what I am tasting). A little bitterness lingers in the mouth for a while but it is far from overpowering.

Drinkability: A solid brewski. Enough said.

Fun facts about RRPA:

-Style: BA classifies it as “Rye Beer.”

-Price: $1.99/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.

-Alcohol content: 6.6 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: BA recommends German cuisine, peppery cheeses, salad, and pork.

-IBU: 70.

-Having browsed Founders’ website, I now know why its beers are all the rage: everything is well hopped, even the stouts.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.


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