The Novel Diary: Week 55

Word count: 40,082.

Get this: I finished the latest revision of “Paths” on Thursday, just like I wanted to. I almost celebrated with a beer. Aside from a few minor edits and facts I want to double-check, the seventh version of the essay should be done; I finished weaving the two timelines together after the Hawkeyes broke my heart. Though no piece is truly ever finished, I hopefully have “Paths” at a point where I can stop working on it and be satisfied — at least for a while.

You know what that means? I have once again started working on my novel. Kind of. I am not writing but am once again thinking through uncertainties before I hammer out a brief (!) chapter-by-chapter outline. I should hopefully be doing that later this week.

At some time during this planning phase I want to visit Dave’s Foxhead and be writerly with a pint of Back Road Stout. I have been meaning to do it for a while and now is the best time since I use my journal to plan. Or I may visit The Hideaway. Apparently, Summit’s Oatmeal Stout is on tap there.


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