Hot off the Press: In memory of the victims of intolerance edition

"The highest-paid state employee in California last year, a prison surgeon who took home $777,423, has a history of mental illness, was fired once for alleged incompetence and has not been allowed to treat an inmate for six years because medical supervisors don't trust his clinical skills.":,0,5931598.story.
The number of Greeks in long-term poverty is on the rise as the country tightens its financial belt:,1518,775301,00.html.
NPR reports that "gay divorce a higher hurdle than marriage":
Twenty years ago this month, Gwen Jacob was charged with indecent exposure after walking home on a hot day with her top off. She drew attention to the double-standard that allowed men to be topless in public but not women, and an ensuing court battle paved the way for women in Ontario to walk around topless if they choose to do so:
A fourth moon has apparently been discovered orbiting Pluto:
Iowa has been placed on the "Toxic 20" list of states with the worst air pollution generated at oil- and coal-fired power plants:
Despite Terry Branstad's campaign promise that he would not charge fees for the legal reviews of public documents before being released, and criticizing his opponent for doing so, "[a]s governor, however, Branstad is imposing the exact same fees in a manner that's even more costly for Iowans who are seeking access to information":
Shriners hospitals, which had offered free health care to children, will start billing insurance companies and charging families co-payments, a change "necessary to save the iconic name amid rising health care costs, flat donations and declines in a multibillion-dollar endowment that has been ripped apart by the whims of the stock market":
So what did Terry Branstad's great Iowa Education Summit produce? A whole lot of hot air, apparently:
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