Beer of the Weekend #247: Julius Echter Hefe-Weiss
One year ago today I crossed the border into Iowa after a long and, at some points, arduous move from Huntington Beach. (Damn you, Arizona Gestapo!) I plan to reminisce more at another time, but tonight I thought I would have a celebratory beer to mark the first anniversary of my return to the heartland.
Tonight’s beer is something I picked up while in Chicago over the weekend: Julius Echter Hefe-Weiss, brewed by the Würzburger Hofbräu AG of Würzburg, Germany.

Serving type: One 500 ml (16.9-ounce) bottle. The “BEST BEFORE END” date on the front label is “2011/09.” Also available at the same store was a dunkel version, but all the bottles (probably a dozen of them) had “2011/02” best-by dates. Not cool.
Appearance: Poured into a half liter weizen glass. The color is a cloudy, dirty dishwater orange. Three fingers of thick, white head dissipated to leave a fluffy cap and trails of foam on the glass.
Smell: Hefeweizen heavenliness. Banana, apple, clove, yeast, pepper, lemon, orange, and maybe a hint of bubblegum.
Taste: Bavarian to a tee. It has a thick, wheaty mouthfeel packed with flavors that mostly mirror the smell. Banana, apple, yeast, orange, and the hint of bubblegum. There is not as much clove, pepper, or lemon zest, but I will not complain.
Drinkability: It is good stuff — on par with other Bavarian greats. There is nothing orgasmic or special about it, but it is still high quality.
Fun facts about JEH-W:
-Style: Hefeweizen.
-Price: $2.49/bottle at the Binny’s Beverage Depot on West Dempster in Skokie, Illinois. Binny’s is the BevMo of Chicagoland, and I knew exactly what it was thanks to Cubs radio broadcasts. “If we don’t have it, you don’t want it.”
-Serving temperature: Michael Jackson’s Great Beer Guide recommends 48-54ºF.
-Alcohol content: 4.9 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: BA recommends German cuisine, tangy cheeses (Brick, Edam, Feta), salad, poultry, fish, and shellfish.
-According to Great Beer Guide, Würzburg, where JEH-W is brewed, “banned brewing ‘for ever’ in 1434, but to no avail.” Thankfully. Julius Echter was the name of the town’s Prince Bishop who decreed that Würzburg should have a brewery.
The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.
Tonight’s beer is something I picked up while in Chicago over the weekend: Julius Echter Hefe-Weiss, brewed by the Würzburger Hofbräu AG of Würzburg, Germany.
Serving type: One 500 ml (16.9-ounce) bottle. The “BEST BEFORE END” date on the front label is “2011/09.” Also available at the same store was a dunkel version, but all the bottles (probably a dozen of them) had “2011/02” best-by dates. Not cool.
Appearance: Poured into a half liter weizen glass. The color is a cloudy, dirty dishwater orange. Three fingers of thick, white head dissipated to leave a fluffy cap and trails of foam on the glass.
Smell: Hefeweizen heavenliness. Banana, apple, clove, yeast, pepper, lemon, orange, and maybe a hint of bubblegum.
Taste: Bavarian to a tee. It has a thick, wheaty mouthfeel packed with flavors that mostly mirror the smell. Banana, apple, yeast, orange, and the hint of bubblegum. There is not as much clove, pepper, or lemon zest, but I will not complain.
Drinkability: It is good stuff — on par with other Bavarian greats. There is nothing orgasmic or special about it, but it is still high quality.
Fun facts about JEH-W:
-Style: Hefeweizen.
-Price: $2.49/bottle at the Binny’s Beverage Depot on West Dempster in Skokie, Illinois. Binny’s is the BevMo of Chicagoland, and I knew exactly what it was thanks to Cubs radio broadcasts. “If we don’t have it, you don’t want it.”
-Serving temperature: Michael Jackson’s Great Beer Guide recommends 48-54ºF.
-Alcohol content: 4.9 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: BA recommends German cuisine, tangy cheeses (Brick, Edam, Feta), salad, poultry, fish, and shellfish.
-According to Great Beer Guide, Würzburg, where JEH-W is brewed, “banned brewing ‘for ever’ in 1434, but to no avail.” Thankfully. Julius Echter was the name of the town’s Prince Bishop who decreed that Würzburg should have a brewery.
The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.
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