Beer of the Weekend #252: Back 40
Having finished The Third Reich in Power, I am in a celebratory mood. So I decided to drink my last PBR for a while (I will feature my next adjunct soon) and sample something from my New Glarus custom sixer.
The beer tonight is Back 40, brewed by the New Glarus Brewing Company of New Glarus, Wisconsin.

Forgive me if this post is short and sweet.
Serving type: One 12-ounce bottle. There is basically no freshness date.
Appearance: Straight pour into a pilsner glass. The color is caramel to medium brown. Three fingers of lightly tanned head dissipated slowly, leaving trails along the glass and a foamy and spotted lacing.
Smell: Notes of toasted malts, sweet caramel, toffee, molasses, brown sugar, cocoa, and apple.
Taste: The initial sensation is sweetness from the sweet caramel, brown sugar, and apple; but it is immediately balanced by toasted malts, cocoa, molasses, and nutmeg (or maybe walnut; I don’t know much nuts too well (and do not take that the wrong way)).
Drinkability: I definitely need to get a six-pack of this the next time it is in season. Very good stuff. If it is this good on an 85º summer night, I bet it is excellent when there is a nice chill in the air.
Fun facts about Back 40 Bock:
-Style: New Glarus calls it “Wisconsin Bock,” while BA classifies it as “Bock.”
-Price: I don’t remember. Though I think individual bottles are priced $2 each, the whole custom sixer it came in was $8, so you do the math.
-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.
-Alcohol content: 5.5 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: For food, New Glarus recommends “sausages, corned beef, fajitas.” For cheeses, they recommend “Dunbarton Blue, Havarti, Muenster.”
-Beer nerdiness from the brewery website:
-The flavor description on the beer’s webpage is, “without pretense or explanation.”
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.
The beer tonight is Back 40, brewed by the New Glarus Brewing Company of New Glarus, Wisconsin.
Forgive me if this post is short and sweet.
Serving type: One 12-ounce bottle. There is basically no freshness date.
Appearance: Straight pour into a pilsner glass. The color is caramel to medium brown. Three fingers of lightly tanned head dissipated slowly, leaving trails along the glass and a foamy and spotted lacing.
Smell: Notes of toasted malts, sweet caramel, toffee, molasses, brown sugar, cocoa, and apple.
Taste: The initial sensation is sweetness from the sweet caramel, brown sugar, and apple; but it is immediately balanced by toasted malts, cocoa, molasses, and nutmeg (or maybe walnut; I don’t know much nuts too well (and do not take that the wrong way)).
Drinkability: I definitely need to get a six-pack of this the next time it is in season. Very good stuff. If it is this good on an 85º summer night, I bet it is excellent when there is a nice chill in the air.
Fun facts about Back 40 Bock:
-Style: New Glarus calls it “Wisconsin Bock,” while BA classifies it as “Bock.”
-Price: I don’t remember. Though I think individual bottles are priced $2 each, the whole custom sixer it came in was $8, so you do the math.
-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.
-Alcohol content: 5.5 percent ABV.
-Food pairings: For food, New Glarus recommends “sausages, corned beef, fajitas.” For cheeses, they recommend “Dunbarton Blue, Havarti, Muenster.”
-Beer nerdiness from the brewery website:
The “Back Forty” is property commonly found on the outskirts of the Wisconsin family farm. Here uncultivated acres wait prime for adventure- forts, tree houses, rope swings and first kisses! A place to run away, to camp, to climb, to build, to play. Not actually home but not too far away. That’s the Back Forty. The beer you hold is similar both dark and adventurous still smooth and familiar. Here’s a beer you can enjoy without pretense or explanation. Every mind requires some acres of possibility, space for dreams, the great escape, everyone needs a Back Forty.
-The flavor description on the beer’s webpage is, “without pretense or explanation.”
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.
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