Beer of the Weekend #1,090: Galactic Face Slap

The beer of the weekend last weekend was the last of my Duluth haul: Galactic Face Slap, brewed by the Ursa Minor Brewery of Duluth, Minnesota.

Galactic Face Slap

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “CANNED ON 07/18/24” is printed on the bottom.

Appearance: It pours an opaque deep gold or pale amber into a nonic pint glass. One finger of off-white, buttery, bubbly head settles slowly.

Smell: Tropical and citrusy. There are scents of orange, grapefruit, yeast, earthy hops, pineapple, and kiwi. It is smooth and enticing.

Taste: Smooth and creamy. It is an amazing mélange of citrus and tropical fruit. (What, really, is the difference between citrus and tropical fruit? I need to do some research.) There are flavors of orange, grapefruit, pineapple, kiwi, and mango. There is a touch of earthy hops; the bitterness does not play a prominent role. It is sticky sweet and very good stuff!

Fun facts about Galactic Face Slap:

• Style: Hazy IPA.

• Price: $4.50 for a 16-ounce can at the Ursa Minor Brewery in Duluth, Minnesota.

• Alcohol content: 6.8 percent ABV.

• IBU: 30.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A+.


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