Beer of the Weekend #1,086: Wonderstuff

The Foxy Lady and I have recommitted ourselves to losing weight. Part of my plan is an oldie but a goody: no beer during the workweek, unless I review it.

Wednesday night I drank (and reviewed) Wonderstuff, brewed by the Bauhaus Brew Labs of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Serving type: 12-ounce can. “6.7.24” is printed on the bottom of the can, which I assume is the canning date.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is solid gold. A finger of dense, bubbly, buttery head settles slowly and leaves trails of foam on the glass.

Smell: Enticing and light. Light malt, light grass, floral hops, honey, biscuit, and corn. It lacks the hay blanket/skunk that I expect from a Czech-style pilsner but still smells pretty good.

Taste: Pleasing with a bite! It has a nice floral bite that lingers on the taste buds long after each sip. Light malt, light grass. It is not super crisp but is bitter and features zest, biscuit, and light esters. It is good stuff.

Fun facts about Wonderstuff:

• Style: Bauhaus calls it pilsner but then says it is Czech-style in the description.

• Price: $12.99 for a sixer at the Shanty Bottle Shop 2.0 in Duluth, Minnesota.

• Alcohol content: 5.1 percent ABV.

• The Bauhaus website describes Wonderstuff as “[o]ur award-winning Czech-style
pilsner. Light and crisp with a graham crackery maltiness and floral hop aroma.”

• I noticed a lot of liquor stores while we were in Minnesota, which I thought was interesting. It had been a while since I was in the North Star State and thought Duluthians really liked their booze. Then I remembered that Minnesota has some pretty antiquated alcohol laws. Though alcohol is now sold on Sundays (hallelujah!), grocery and convenience stores can only sell “three-two” beer (3.2 percent ABW and below); all other alcohol is sold in liquor stores. Apparently, Minnesota is the only three-two state left.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.


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