Beer of the Weekend #1,087: Bear Hop

The beer of the weekend was another little something I bought on our recent North Shore getaway: Bear Hop, brewed by Ursa Minor Brewing of Duluth, Minnesota.

Bear Hop

Serving type: 16-ounce can. There is a blob of ink on the bottom of the can but no discernable freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into my Number One Pint Glass. A finger of off-white, dense, buttery, bubble-spotted head settles slowly and evenly.

Smell: I can smell it from an arm’s length away. It’s an OG IPA. Earthy hops, caramel, grapefruit, orange, pineapple, toasted malt, zest.

Taste: It is a great mélange and well balanced. It has a nice bitter edge as well. Caramel, earthy hops, grapefruit, orange, zest. It is creamy and smooth. The hops really work the taste buds after each sip.

Fun facts about Bear Hop:

• Style: American IPA.

• Price: $4.50 per 16-ounce can at Ursa Minor Brewing in Duluth.

• Alcohol content: 6.8 percent ABV.

• IBU: 50. You don’t see IBU listed much anymore. It is not the buzzword it used to be.

• The Ursa Minor brewery/taproom is really close to the Duluth Grill, a top-notch restaurant. Though we did not eat there during our recent visit, The Foxy Lady and I ate there a few years ago. It was good, so I recommend it if you’re ever in Duluth.

• I learned an interesting thing while researching Minnesota’s alcohol laws, which is excellently summarized by this article:

Grocery store sales are a significant worry of liquor store owners. After the 2022 deal was struck, Tony Chesak, the executive director of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association, said: “The biggest threat to independently owned liquor stores is big box, convenience grocery stores.” (

I see that now. Big box stores and chains likely dominate alcohol sales in Iowa; there are not a lot of independent liquor stores in the state—at least nowhere near the number in Minnesota. I think my comment about Minnesota having antiquated alcohol laws was a little naïve.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.


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