Beer of the Weekend #1,069: Take Me Out to the Ball Game

To commemorate the beginning of spring training games yesterday, the beer of the weekend is a baseball-themed beer: Take Me Out to the Ball Game, brewed by the House Divided Brewery of Ely, Iowa.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date. Come on, people!

Appearance: Poured into a nonic pint glass. The color is a hazy dishwater amber. A finger of off-white, buttery, bubbly head leaves a buttery collar, spots of bubbly skim, and trails of foam and bigger bubbles on the side of the glass. It’s a very pretty beer.

Smell: A pleasing burst of citrus! There is a touch of dank and armpit. Lots of rind and general citrus; nothing specific stands out to me.

Taste: The first sip assaults the tastebuds with citrus and bitterness but does not overwhelm them. It is quite zesty and tastes artificial, like tang. It is an element that is hard to get past, though I also get orange, grapefruit, earthy hops, and light esters.

Fun facts about Take Me Out to the Ball Game:

• Style: West Coast IPA.

• Price: $11.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 7.5 percent ABV.

• Baseball! The older I get, the more I love baseball. Though a busy schedule and family have kept me from following the Cubs and the rest of baseball as closely as I once did, I still love it. (Not having MLB Network really sucks, too.) Last year, I vowed to keep better track of the Cubs and every morning I made a point to watch highlights of their most recent game on the MLB app (which I just learned is no longer called At Bat anymore).

• I would love to get MLBTV but, as I have likely bemoaned in the past, Iowa is MLB blackout hell. The Twins, Brewers, Cubs, White Sox, Cardinals, and Royals are blacked out in Iowa. I still keep an eye on the Dodgers and also like the Mariners, so it would be nice to have for those teams, but it is almost my bedtime when their games start. The Cubs’ Marquee is available on Fubo so I might check that out, though I don’t think it’s worth $80 a month.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.


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