Beer of the Weekend #1,067: Stay Oatful, Dream Big

The beer of the weekend is from way out west (in western Iowa, that is): Stay Oatful, Dream Big, brewed by the Full Fledged Brewing Company of Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Stay Oatful, Dream Big

Serving type: 16-ounce can. There is no freshness date—a disheartening trend that I have noticed.

Appearance: Poured into my Number One Pint Glass. The color is just shy of opaque black; I held it to a lamp and could see a little light sneaking through the edges. A luscious finger of thick, tan, buttery head spilled over the edge and settles slowly.

Smell: Dark, roasted goodness. It smells like an oatmeal stout. Roasted malt, dark chocolate, and coffee. The aroma is reminiscent of the oatmeal stouts I drank while living in SoCal; Stockyard Stout and Eight-Ball Stout come to mind. (Deftones’s “Digital Bath” started playing while I took my first sip, so that accentuates the Cali vibe for me.)

Taste: It’s a pretty classic oatmeal stout, though it is quite metallic. The mouthfeel leans smooth and creamy. Bitter dark chocolate is prominent and is supported by coffee, caramel, and hits of black and cherry licorice. It is very earthy and metallic, but those become less noticeable as the beer warms. It takes a while for it to taste as well as it smells.

Fun facts about Stay Oatful, Dream Big:

• Style: Oatmeal stout.

• Price: $12.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 7.1 percent ABV is written on the can but 7 percent ABV is on the brewery website.

• Here is the description via Full Fledged website: “An exceptionally smooth oatmeal stout with hints of coffee and chocolate characteristics supported by underlying chocolate finish. Named after Marshall’s big dream and determination to keep on truckin’.” Marshall, I assume, is one of the owners.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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