Beer of the Weekend #1,068: Back in Black

Before I review the beer this weekend, I need to post a review for the beer I drank last weekend: Back in Black, brewed by the House Divided Brewery of Ely, Iowa.

Back in Black

Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into my Number One Pint Glass. The color is opaque black. A half finger of light tan head dissipates quickly and leaves a thin collar and spots of skim.

Smell: Dark and enticing. Roasted malt, chocolate, orange. The roasted malt is not coffee-like, though.

Taste: Nice and balanced with some zest. It is not too dark and not too IPA, though there is more dark than IPA. There are flavors of dark malt, chocolate, grapefruit, and orange.

Fun facts about Back in Black:

• Style: Black IPA.

• Price: $11.99 for a four-pack of 12-ounce cans at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 7 percent ABV.

• House Divided takes its name from the “house divided” sports flags. The brewer is a Cyclone fan while his wife is a Hawkeye fan.

• Yep, it’s another beer named after a rock song. AC/DC’s “Back in Black” is played at Iowa football games before the team “swarms” the field to Metallica’s “Enter Sandman.” (I think. It’s been eight years since I went to an Iowa football game.)

• Zee German gave me AC/DC’s
Highway to Hell album a while back. It’s pretty amazing. It features “Highway to Hell,” “Girls Got Rhythm,” “Touch Too Much,” “Shot Down in Flames,” and, my favorite, “Walk All Over You.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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