Beer of the Weekend #1,021: Dunkel Donuts

The beer of the weekend is the last from my spring seasonal 12-pack: Dunkel Donuts, brewed by the Lake Time Brewery of Clear Lake, Iowa.

Dunkel Donuts

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “CANNED ON 01/23/23” is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into a tapered pilsner glass. The color is medium copper. A finger of off-white head fizzles away quickly, leaving a bubbly collar and large spot of skim in the middle.

Smell: The aroma is faint overall, but I do get hints of caramel, donut glazing, coffee, and dark fruit.

Taste: Much more complex than the aroma led me to believe. It is smoky, which I did not expect. Toasted malt, caramel, vanilla, smoked peat (it reminds me of a Scotch ale; when the hell was the last time I had one of those?!), coffee, milk chocolate, and dark fruit.

Fun facts about Dunkel Donuts:

• Style: Munich dunkel.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 6.6 percent ABV.

• When was the last time I tried a Scotch ale? It looks like it was 2016.

• Speaking of donuts, I ate one for the first time in forever recently. I met my parents in Solon so they could watch Jam for the day, and my mom gave me a donut. It had brown frosting, which I assume is caramel or maple flavored. (It is not my favorite type of donut, but I chose it over a chocolate-frosted Long John for some reason, mostly to make up for all times I passed over perfectly good brown-frosted donuts in my youth.) While eating it on my trip home, it reminded me that my dad would get us glazed donuts on Sunday mornings when I was a kid. I had not thought about that in forever.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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