Beer of the Weekend #967: Anti-Hero IPA

The beer of the weekend is Anti-Hero IPA, brewed by a newcomer to Iowa beer shelves: Revolution Brewing of Chicago, Illinois.

Anti-Hero IPA

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “FILLED JAN 31/2022 15:11:10” is printed on the bottom. Kudos to printing the canning date and the time.

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is gold. Two fingers of white, fluffy foam settles unevenly and leaves trails of foam and a billowy, uneven skim.

Smell: It is mostly muted but slightly arboreal and earthy. It has a hint of pine. Grapefruit is present, and it has a sticky citrus aroma. It smells like an old-style IPA.

Taste: The bitterness dominates. It has a nice bite that lingers after each sip. Pine is present, and it is also earthy (I always think it tastes metallic). It is sharp and bitter, driven by the bitterness. It is a throwback IPA, circa 2009 and the IBU battles of the late ohs.

Fun facts about Anti-Hero IPA:

• Style: IPA.

• Price: $11.39 for a sixer of 12-ounce cans at Gary’s in Mount Vernon, Iowa.

• Alcohol content: 6.7 percent ABV.

• Revolution started distributing in Iowa sometime recently. However, I’m so far out of the loop with the state beer scene that I don’t know when.

• I thought visited the Revolution brewpub in 2011, but it turns out I visited Haymarket Pub & Brewery. Anyway, those were the days when I did not try a new beer without taking notes, and I took my notebook there. I was such a geek.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.


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