Beer of the Weekend #959: Drewrys Easy Ale

The beer last weekend is a curiosity I found in the beer fridge at Gary’s: Easy Ale, brewed by the Drewrys Brewing Company of South Bend, Indiana.

Drewrys Easy Ale

That’s right: it’s a different offering from the “Big D” brand. Drewrys is not a one-beer brewery, as I assumed. Instead, it offers three different beers: Traditional Ale, which I tried earlier, Genuine Bock Beer, and Easy Ale. (Drewrys also makes gin and whiskey.) Needless to say, I plan to try them all.

On to Easy Ale.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. A cryptic code is printed on the bottom, and more numbers are printed on the neck label, but there is no discernible freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into my John’s Grocery pilsner glass. (Yes, I absentmindedly took the pic with the PBR side showing.) It is a beautiful, solid gold color. A finger of off-white head leaves a skim and collar.

Smell: Light and sweet overall. I get a scent of dirty socks, but maybe that’s just me on a Friday night. There are scents of apple and strawberry, though it seems like mostly indistinct esters. Cherry licorice emerges as the beer warms and starts to dominate.

Taste: Interesting. It is like a cross between beer and cider. It takes a couple sips and the temperature to increase before the flavors emerge. Overall, it is malty and very sweet, though also quite floral. It is very fruity with lots of apple, strawberry, and cherry licorice. It is also on the dry side. It’s an interesting beer but easy drinking, as promised.

Fun facts about Easy Ale:

• Style: According to the Drewrys website, Easy Ale follows “the heritage of a Canadian style ale” and “is an easy drinking golden blonde variation of the American pale ale.”

• Price: $6.99 for a sixer of 12-ounce bottles at Gary’s in Mount Vernon. (I remembered to save the receipt!)

• Alcohol content: No clue. The ABV is not printed on the bottle and I can’t find it online.

• Food pairings: The Drewrys website says Easy Ale “pairs with most any food, from BBQ, to supper club cuisine, to pizza.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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