Beer of the Weekend #958: Royal Roots

The beer of the weekend last weekend was another dark beer: Royal Roots, brewed by the Confluence Brewing Company of Des Moines, Iowa.

Royal Roots

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “SEP/01/21” is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into an imperial pint glass The color is black with hints of brown along the edges. A finger of tan, dense, bubble-spotted head settles slowly, leaving a collar and even skim.

Smell: Toasty and smooth with a touch of roast. Chocolate dominates. A little brown sugar and molasses are noticeable. It smells like an oatmeal stout.

Taste: The flavor is really toasted and bitter. It is somewhat reminiscent of almost-burnt toast (it is darker than you prefer but not burnt). Thankfully, the bitterness fades as the beer warms. It is not as chocolatey as the flavor, but chocolate is in the mix. There are also flavors of molasses, caramel, and a hint of cherry.

Fun facts about Royal Roots:

Style: English-style porter.

Price: I don’t have the receipt anymore (I’m really bad about saving them now), but I think it was something like $9.99 at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

Alcohol content: 5.8 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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