Beer of the Weekend #882: Namaste White

I thought I had a small weizen glass, but I don’t. So, I drank Namaste White, brewed by the Dogfish Head Craft Brewery of Milton, Delaware, in one of my becker glasses.

The color is cloudy light gold or straw. A finger of white, buttery head dissipates evenly and leaves a skim and a handful of bubbles.

It smells bright, citrusy, wheaty, and spicy—like warm-weather drinking! There are scents of wheat bread, bubblegum, orange, maybe a touch of banana, clove, coriander, and a light dose of pepper. It is very inviting and enticing.

The mouthfeel is full and creamy, though on the light side. The flavor mostly mirrors the aroma with wheat, bubblegum, light banana, orange peel, clove, coriander, and pepper. The beer leans spicy. It has a touch of lemon, which matches the lemongrass mentioned on the bottle. The beer is drinkable but is nothing special; it is not worth $11 for a sixer.

Fun facts about Namaste White:

• Style: White ale.

• Price: $10.99 for a six-pack of 12-ounce bottles at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 4.8 percent ABV.

• IBU: 20.

• Dogfish Head recommends serving Namaste White in a “shaped pint,” so I chose wisely.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-.

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