Beer of the Weekend #620: The Lewbricator

The beer of the weekend is a local beer that I have seen on the shelves for a long time but have never tried: The Lewbricator, brewed by the Kalona Brewing Company of Kalona, Iowa.

The brewery calls it “The Lewbricator,” even though it is just “Lewbricator” on the can. A man named Lew is the co-owner and head brewer at Kalona, hence the beer’s name.

Serving type: 12-ounce can. A stamp on the plastic sixer holder says the beer is best by “03/2015.”

Appearance: The beer pours a clear, mahogany brown into a 330 ml weizen glass. Not much head develops, but the pour did coax a half-finger of light tan foam that dissipated fairly quickly, leaving a swirled skim and small ring around the edge.

Smell: I get the feeling I have had this before — last Friday night. It reminds me a lot of Huber Bock. Though a bit faint, the aroma is pretty fruity and malty. Scents of cherry licorice, toasted malts (somewhat reminiscent of singed toast), caramel, a little brown sugar, and earthy hops are most noticeable.

Taste: Unlike the smell, the flavor does not elicit déjà vu. Though the mouthfeel is not necessarily creamy, a bready flavor offers that impression. It has a big malt foundation, with flavors of toasted malts and caramel most noticeable. Cherry licorice is also present, and earthy hops provide a nice balance. There are also touches of apple and brown sugar, too, and the alcohol is completely masked.

Drinkability: Though I would not classify it as a wheat doppelbock since it is not cloudy and does not have the fruity complexity of a weizenbock, it is still a very drinkable and tasty beer. It is easy to suck down pretty quickly; I need to remind myself it is 7.5 percent ABV before I grab another.

Fun facts about Lewbricator:

-Style: Kalona calls it “Wheat Doppelbock.”

-Price: $8.99/sixer at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 7.5 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.

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