Beer of the Weekend #563: Baltika #6 Porter

The beer of the weekend (though I only have one bottle) and the second Russian beer of the day is Baltika #6 Porter, brewed by Baltika Breweries in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Serving type: 500 ml bottle. There are two (!) dates printed on the label: the “PRODUCTION DATE” is “25.06.13” and the “BEST BEFORE” date is “25.06.14.” Given the traveling it’s done, I think this beer is probably two months or more past its true “best before” date.

Appearance: Poured into a nonick pint glass. The color is non-opaque, soda-like black. Two fingers of tan head leaves an even skim and small ring around the edge.

Smell: Very rich, dark, and candy-like. Lots of licorice, molasses, and dark chocolate. There is also quite a bit of brown sugar. Toasted and roasted malts are evident but they do not predominate.

Taste: The flavor is a bit watered down at first but it mostly mirrors the aroma. Molasses, dark chocolate, caramel, and toasted malts are most prominent. Licorice and brown sugar emerge as the beer warms, as do roasted malts. The alcohol is a minor, but noticeable, presence in each sip.

Drinkability: Meh. It offers decent flavor but it is nothing special.

Fun facts about B#6P:

-Style: It is classified on BA as “Baltic Porter.”

-Price: $2.69/bottle at Hartig Drug on Mormon Trek Boulevard in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: “[N]ot less than 7% by volume” according to the beer’s webpage.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-.

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