Beer of the Weekend #138: Brother Thelonious
Happy Bloomsday, everyone.
Tonight I’m honoring literature’s foremost modernist (yes, even more prominent than ol’ Papa) and his epic masterpiece with a rare midweek brew review. Though a couple pints of “the black stuff” would be more fitting, Bloomsday is a good excuse to sample another indigenous Cali brew. I have 17 days left on the west coast, so I should drink as much as I can.
The beer this workweek is Brother Thelonious, brewed by the North Coast Brewing Company of Fort Bragg, California.
Serving type: Four 12-ounce bottles. No freshness date. Boo. Brother Thelonious is also available in 750 ml bottles, which, I’m sure, also don’t feature freshness dates.
Appearance: Straight pour into a tulip. The color is a dark copper with red hues; almost burgundy. About two fingers of off-white head developed and dissipated to leave a few foamy bubbles and a ring around the outside.
Smell: Mmm…Belgian yeast. Scents of ripe apple, banana, dark fruit, clove, and some pepper or cinnamon spice. The alcohol is there, but very subtle.
Taste: The alcohol is overpowering at the start; it almost ruined the taste because I could barely get past it. However, it steps aside as the brew warms. Bready Belgian yeast, dark fruits, cherries, apple, clove. And gin. The alcohol is really dry.
Drinkability: Hmmm… A monk’s dream? Sure. Whatever. At least I supported jazz.
Fun facts about Brother Thelonious
-Style: The beer’s North Coast webpage lists it as a “Belgian Style Strong Dark.” BA, however, lists it as a dubbel, like Grimbergen Double.
-Price: $12.49/four-pack at the BevMo! on Beach.
-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.
-Alcohol content: 9.4 percent ABV. This puppy is packin’!
-Food pairings: BA recommends buttery cheeses (Brie, Gouda, Havarti, Swiss), pungent cheeses (Gorgonzola, Limburger), chocolate, and beef. North Coast has its own cheese pairing: Red Hawk, a cheese made at the Cowgirl Creamery in Marin County.
-IBU: 32.
-Brother Thelonious is named in honor of Thelonious Monk. From the side of the carrier:
-Drinking Brother Thelonious is philanthropic. From the carrier:
Sweet. Instead of contributing to K-JAZZ and KCCK, I can drink beer.
-More carrier quirks. Across the top of the handle is “Monk’s Dream. Straight, No Chaser.” (One of the wireless networks in my area is called “ShotsNoChaser.”) On the opposite side of the naming and Institute info is:
I think some of those lines are from Thelonious Monk songs. I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any Thelonious Monk. I should, though.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B.
Tonight I’m honoring literature’s foremost modernist (yes, even more prominent than ol’ Papa) and his epic masterpiece with a rare midweek brew review. Though a couple pints of “the black stuff” would be more fitting, Bloomsday is a good excuse to sample another indigenous Cali brew. I have 17 days left on the west coast, so I should drink as much as I can.
The beer this workweek is Brother Thelonious, brewed by the North Coast Brewing Company of Fort Bragg, California.
Serving type: Four 12-ounce bottles. No freshness date. Boo. Brother Thelonious is also available in 750 ml bottles, which, I’m sure, also don’t feature freshness dates.
Appearance: Straight pour into a tulip. The color is a dark copper with red hues; almost burgundy. About two fingers of off-white head developed and dissipated to leave a few foamy bubbles and a ring around the outside.
Smell: Mmm…Belgian yeast. Scents of ripe apple, banana, dark fruit, clove, and some pepper or cinnamon spice. The alcohol is there, but very subtle.
Taste: The alcohol is overpowering at the start; it almost ruined the taste because I could barely get past it. However, it steps aside as the brew warms. Bready Belgian yeast, dark fruits, cherries, apple, clove. And gin. The alcohol is really dry.
Drinkability: Hmmm… A monk’s dream? Sure. Whatever. At least I supported jazz.
Fun facts about Brother Thelonious
-Style: The beer’s North Coast webpage lists it as a “Belgian Style Strong Dark.” BA, however, lists it as a dubbel, like Grimbergen Double.
-Price: $12.49/four-pack at the BevMo! on Beach.
-Serving temperature: 45-50ºF.
-Alcohol content: 9.4 percent ABV. This puppy is packin’!
-Food pairings: BA recommends buttery cheeses (Brie, Gouda, Havarti, Swiss), pungent cheeses (Gorgonzola, Limburger), chocolate, and beef. North Coast has its own cheese pairing: Red Hawk, a cheese made at the Cowgirl Creamery in Marin County.
-IBU: 32.
-Brother Thelonious is named in honor of Thelonious Monk. From the side of the carrier:
With all the interest in Belgian ales and the monasteries that brew them, it’s time to remind the world that here in the U.S. we have a Monk of our own. Jazz legend Thelonious Monk is the inspiration for North Coast Brewing’s Belgian-style abbey ale. With an ABV of over 9%, this dark strong ale is rich and robust.
-Drinking Brother Thelonious is philanthropic. From the carrier:
This beer is released in association with the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz. For every case of Brother Thelonious Belgian Style Abbey Ale sold, North Coast Brewing makes a contribution to the Institute in support of Jazz education.
Sweet. Instead of contributing to K-JAZZ and KCCK, I can drink beer.
-More carrier quirks. Across the top of the handle is “Monk’s Dream. Straight, No Chaser.” (One of the wireless networks in my area is called “ShotsNoChaser.”) On the opposite side of the naming and Institute info is:
Let’s Call This Brother Thelonious. A delicious, Belgian-style abbey ale that could be a Monk’s Dream. Very Misterioso. Should be enjoyed Straight, No Chaser. Well You Needn’t wait til ‘Round Midnight. Ask Me Now.
I think some of those lines are from Thelonious Monk songs. I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any Thelonious Monk. I should, though.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B.
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