Me no run because of snow day before today

It snowed yesterday. I didn't run. The streets and sidewalks were iced over. Call me a pussy. Yeah, go ahead. I don't care. That's right: I'm too good to run on ice.

My two rules with running in cold/bad weather are this:

1. Don't run when it's below ten degrees.
2. Don't run if it's snowing, or if there's ice on the sidewalks.

Those are my only rules right now. I might amend them later, but they'll do for now. The great thing about running in the winter is you're not that cold after you start running. Your body becomes warm. Believe it or not, I've been running in shorts (basketball shorts, baby). The wind gets to me at first, piercing my sweatshirt and t-shirt underneath. But after a while I don't feel it. I wear a stocking hat, too. My legs don't get cold, but my hands do. Sometimes I run with gloves and other times I don't. I wear my giant, blue, skiing gloves, so I must look like a complete idiot. But I'm running, so I don't care. Nobody should care about how they look when they work out.

Because I didn't run last evening I didn't get my daily dose of endorphons. The amount I get when I run keeps me going for the rest of the day, and carries over to the next day, making me feel good when I get up in the morning. But I was kind of bummed today. I didn't have those left-overs from yesterday to start the morning right. So I had some toast to cheer me up.

It feels like another day. I know I went to classes earlier, but it feels like I did that yesterday (poor, poor yesterday). Now I'm at work. Tonight will probably be another day. At most I live three days in one.

This post is being inspired by minimalism because I don't have much time. Minimalism: When time counts.

People always ask me what I'm doing on the weekend. The truth is I never know. Things come up. I usually don't have anything planned. So here's a tip if you (the reader) don't have plans for the weekend and want to know what I'm doing: Most likely I dont have anything planned, so call me up and I'll make plans (with you, the reader, of course).

I'm leaving work soon. Have a good weekend everyone.


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