Beer of the Weekend #667: Finnegans Irish Amber

A week ago, on Saint Patrick’s Day, I reviewed an Irish-themed beer that had been chilling in my fridge for some time: Finnegans Irish Amber, brewed by the Summit Brewing Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota for Finnegans of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Bobblehead kindly bought me a sixer the last time he was in the Twin Cities. (Thanks, bro!)

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. “ENJOY BY 05/11/15” is printed on the shoulder.

Appearance: Pours a somewhat medium amber into a pint glass. About two fingers of buttery, bubble-spotted, eggshell-colored head dissipates evenly and leaves an even and lasting skim.

Smell: Mostly adjunct grain, likely a mix of rice and corn. It has that macro lager smell to it. Despite that, there are hints of sweet malts, a little caramel, and earthy hops. It also has that distinct, Minnesota smell, which is somewhat reminiscent of musty rye.

Taste: It tastes like a Minnesota lager — which is not a bad thing. It is mostly malty with adjunct grain and caramel, but it also has a nice bite. The flavor does not scream “Marco!” as much as the aroma. The mouthfeel is creamy and the finish is mostly dry. Caramel and pale malt become more prominent as the beer continues to warm, and that distinct Minnesota flavor is also noticeable.

Drinkability: It has been a long time since I had an Irish amber, so I am not well acquainted with the style. Irish Amber may not be much, or even remotely Irish, but it is still tasty and very drinkable. And drinking it supports an awesome cause.

Fun facts about Finnegan’s Irish Amber:

-Style: Irish amber.

-Price: Editing Bobblehead’s second novel.

-Food pairings: According to the Finnegans website, Irish Amber pairs well with, “corned beef, sheep herding and guilt.” Okay…

-Alcohol content: 4.75 percent ABV.

-IBU: 20.

-Finnegan’s is not your usual beer company. Its mission statement is, “Turning beer into food.” How does it do that? A portion of every sale of Finnegans beer helps keep fresh produce on food pantry shelves

-Finnegans is now available in the Hawkeye State and has partnered with the Food Bank of Iowa.

-According to Google Translate, the Irish word for beer is “beoir.” Irish is offered on Duolingo and I may try to learn a little. (I really want to brush up my French and learn a bit of Dutch, too. I would love to visit the Netherlands…for the extensive biking infrastructure, of course! Why travel all that way for special brownies when I can drive to Colorado?)

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.

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