Beer of the Weekend #1,108: Robert the Bruce

I’m behind on reviews and don’t remember exactly when I bought and drank Robert the Bruce, brewed by 3 Floyds Brewing in Munster, Indiana, but it was the beer of the weekend at some point this month.

Robert the Bruce

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. “BOTTLED 10-04-24” is laser etched on the shoulder.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip, which BA recommends for Scotch ales. The color is deep brown. One and a half fingers of light tan, buttery, dense head settles slowly.

Smell: Earthy spice, nuts, toasted malt, red licorice, brown sugar, toffee, molasses or maple syrup/caramel.

Taste: It is toasty, smooth, and malty goodness. It reminds me of Thanksgiving. Toasted malt reminiscent of toasted bread, maple syrup, toffee, caramel, an earthy hop bite, and a hit of red licorice.

Fun facts about Robert the Bruce:

• Style: 3Floyds calls it “Scottish-style ale,” which I assume is the same as Scotch ale.

• Price: $10.99 for a sixer of 12-ounce bottles at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City. The receipt is dated February 8, so I bet I reviewed it that night.

• Alcohol content: 7.5 percent ABV. I did not realize it was that big!

• Speaking of the term Scotch, a journal author or reviewer once told me Scots dislike it. It is a term imposed on them by the English.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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