Beer of the Weekend #1,100: KBS (2019)

The beer of the weekend is a brew that has been chilling in a fridge, at my house and elsewhere, for over five years: the 2019 release of KBS, brewed by the Founders Brewing Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

KBS (2019)

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. “Bottled on 02.13.19” is printed on the label.

Appearance: Poured into my snifter. The color is opaque black. A finger of tan, buttery, dense head leaves a bubbly skim.

Smell: Dark and foreboding. It is very aromatic. There are scents of whiskey, oak, dark chocolate syrup, cherry, coffee, a touch of black licorice, and caramel.

Taste: Dark, complex, and delish! It is a dark mélange of whiskey, wood, dark chocolate, coffee, caramel, and cherry. There is a lot of roast and wood. Each sip leaves a nice, lasting bitterness of roast and oak.

Fun facts about KBS:

• Style: Barrel-aged stout.

• Price: Helping clean my brother-in-law’s former apartment and move a kitchen table. My sister-in-law said it had been chilling in their fridge for a while.

• Alcohol content: 12.2 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via the brewery website:

The beer that taught us that patience truly is a virtue, this big, bold imperial stout is brewed with premium chocolate and coffee then aged in bourbon barrels that introduce powerful notes of vanilla, cocoa, and charred oak. KBS is a luxuriant, full-bodied drinking experience that emanates sophistication while honoring our craft beer roots.

• KBS seemed to have quite a cult following back in the early ‘10s. It was all the rage but I did not try it until now for whatever reason.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.


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