Beer of the Weekend #1,080: Skål Til Steinen

While The Foxy Lady stopped at Aldi this week, I stopped at John’s and got a haul of beer, which included this intriguing Norwegian-style brew from the Pulpit Rock Brewing Company of Decorah, Iowa: Skål Til Steinen.

Skål Til Steinen

Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date. A John’s employee saw me looking at the bottom of the can for a date and approached me. I asked him if the number on the sticker was a batch code, but he said it is a code for the register at checkout.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is medium gold with a chill haze. Two fingers of uneven, bubbly head dissipates slowly, leaving spots of bubbles and trails of foam.

Smell: Light and malty. There is nothing crazy or different about it; it seems to be standard larger. Light malt, a little zest, some earthy spice.

Taste: Light, smooth, and drinkable. Nothing crazy here, either; I guess I was expecting something completely different. It is simple and tasty. Light malt, a hint of wheat bread, a touch of zest, and light hop spice that leaves the taste buds tingling after each sip. The mouthfeel is smooth and creamy.

Fun facts about Skål Til Steinen:

• Style: Kveik ale.

• Price: $9.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at John’s Grocery in Iowa City. This is pretty cheap as Pulpit Rock beers go. I was eyeing a four-pack of Neighbor Beer but it cost $21.

• Alcohol content: 5% ABV.

• Kveik, according to this Craft Beer and Brewing article, is not a style of beer but another word for yeast. It is used to brew farmhouse ales and is passed down from generation to generation.

• The Google Translate translation of Skål Til Steinen is “cheers to the stone.”

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.


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