Beer of the Weekend #1,076: TG Pils

Buying beer that’s on sale is risky. It is often close to or past its best-by date and far from what it should be, what the brewer intended it to be. That’s why I try to stay away from beer on sale. But sometimes I take the risk, as I did last week when I found a 12-pack of TG Pils, brewed by the Toppling Goliath Brewing Company of Decorah, Iowa, on sale at Gary’s.

TG Pils

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “PKG11/14/23” is printed on the bottom, which is why I took the risk. It is less than six months old so I decided to give it shot.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is pale gold. A finger of eggshell-colored, buttery, bubbly head leaves a broken skim and rocky collar.

Smell: Grassy and spicy goodness. It smells like a proper Bavarian pilsner. Light malt, grass, lemon zest, earthy spice.

Taste: Tasty, dry, and spicy. It is a little muted, though. There is light malt, grass, earthy spice and bitterness, which lingers on the taste buds after each sip, and a hint of lemon zest.

Fun facts about TG Pils:

• Style: Bavarian-style pilsner.

• Price: $10.99 for a 12-pack of 12-ounce cans at Gary’s in Mount Vernon, Iowa.

• Alcohol content: 5.5 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via the brewery’s webpage:

Our Pilsner is brewed with simplicity and results in the harmonious confluence of meticulously executed old-world traditions and ingredients. Our iteration of the Hochkurz mash schedule meant we’d be executing six different temperature rests, each of which carries a specific focus in mind; and while this is significantly more labor intensive than a current-day single infusion mash, the difference in the end result speaks for itself. An egg-white foam rests atop a crisp, clear, golden beer, with just a hint of Hallertau Mittelfruh hops coming through in the finish.

• I had beef with Toppling Goliath once. After trying Smoove Opferator, I really wanted to make it my monthly recommendation in the Little Village. However, when I talked to a brewer at TG, he told me they stopped brewing it for the year and to call him in the fall when it would be released again. So I did, hoping to make it my recommendation in November. But I never heard back. I emailed and called multiple times and did not receive a response. It really irked me; I wanted to recommend the beer but did not want to do it without talking to someone at TG. The deadline came and I chose a different beer, though I may have mentioned Smoove Opferator as an alternative. I did not buy TG beers for a while afterward. Later on, I realized the no-response may have coincided with inner turmoil at TG, so all is forgiven.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+/A-


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