Beer of the Weekend #990: Franktoberfest

I drank one last marzen for the last weekend in October: Franktoberfest, brewed by the Franklin Street Brewing Company of Manchester, Iowa.


Serving type: 16-ounce can. “08/30/2022”is printed on the bottom.

Appearance: Poured into a stange. The color is hazy light amber. A finger of off-white, bubbly head dissipates quickly and leaves a skim and collar of bubbles.

Smell: It smells like a marzen, though the aroma is faint. There are scents of caramel, toast, and cherry licorice.

Taste: It mostly mirrors the aroma with caramel, toast, spicy earthy hops, and cherry licorice. The hops linger on the taste buds.

Fun facts about Franktoberfest:

• Style: Marzen.

• Price: $14.49 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at Gary’s in Mount Vernon.

• Alcohol content: 6 percent ABV.

• I think the woman on the label looks like a Bitmoji avatar. The Foxy Lady does not agree: “It just looks like the bad drawing of a girl.”

• I need to figure out what BotW #1000 will be sooner rather than later. (The number looks better without a comma, though it feels so wrong.) I got a brute IPA brewing kit for Father’s Day last year and thought about brewing and reviewing it, but I assume it is way too late. I decided not to try to get Westvleteren 12 because I would rather get one at the brewery (a good excuse to travel to Belgium), but I am leaning toward something Belgian.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.


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