Beer of the Weekend #973: Goldrushed

The beer of the weekend is something I picked up while in the City of Five Smells today: Goldrushed, brewed by the Quarter Barrel Arcade and Brewery of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.


Serving type: 16-ounce can. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is gold that leans a hair light. Two fingers of off-white, bubbly, billowy, buttery head dissipates slowly and unevenly. It is very effervescent; a lot of bubbles rise from the bottom.

Smell: It is very cider-like with a big dose of apple. It has a hint to cherry, too. It portends dryness with a touch of a sake-like aroma, and an earthy bitterness emerges.

Taste: Dry, sharp, and very German. The flavors are very muted, but the hop bitterness dominates. It has a mix of esters: banana, apple, and cherry. It has a sharp zestiness as well. It is very dry and makes me think of sake, though it is very different than dry Japanese lagers like Sapporo.

Fun facts about Goldrushed:

• Style: Dortmunder.

• Price: $6.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans from Benz Beverage Depot in Cedar Rapids. I did not realize it was that cheap. It must have been on sale, which makes me suspect this beer’s age…

• Alcohol content: 5.6 percent ABV.

• One of the reasons I stopped at Benz today is because I saw a tweet about them having canned Quarter Barrel brews. I have been to the Quarter Barrel only two or three times, and I highly recommend it for both the games and the beer. (The food is good as well. Any place that offers poutine with vegetarian gravy gets two thumbs up from me.) Needless to say, I was stoked to see they started canning their beers.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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