Beer of the Weekend #971: Patio Pounder

The beer of the weekend was something The Foxy Lady bought during our recent stay in Bozeman: Patio Pounder, brewed by Outlaw Brewing of Bozeman, Montana.

Patio Pounder

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “PKG 04/14/22” is printed on the shoulder of the bottom.

Appearance: Poured into my Number One Pint Glass. The color is hazy bright gold. A finger of dirty white, dense, bubbly head settles unevenly and leaves short trails of lacing.

Smell: Fruity and bright! Very enticing and citrusy. Grapefruit, orange, light lemon, some earthy hops, and pine.

Taste: It is citrusy, but less defined; no flavors stand out like they do in the aroma. The hop earthiness and spice are prominent, but slowly fade as the beer warms. It is zesty; it has that powdered citrus drink flavor to it that reminds me of Tang. The spice and citrus linger on the taste buds.

Fun facts about Patio Pounder:

• Style: Hazy IPA.

• Price: $8.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at the Town Pump at 803 E Main Street in Bozeman, Montana.

• Alcohol content: 5 percent ABV.

• Here’s an interesting thing I did not know about this beer until looking closely at the can: it is “crafted to remove gluten.” I have not tried many gluten-free beers.

• The night we stayed in Bozeman, the fam ate at Montana Ale Works—which I recommend if you’re ever in Bozeman. The Foxy Lady and I drank a Yuppie Hammer, a New England IPA brewed by Outlaw, and she liked it so much that we stopped at a nearby gas station to get a pack of it. She did not find it, unfortunately, and bought Patio Pounder instead. Anyway, while talking to the cashier, she learned that he went to West High in Iowa City.

It’s a small world, man.

• The brewery name printed on the can is Sheriff Henry Plummer’s Outlaw Brewing. The full name is also part of the brewery’s logo. I’m unsure if the longer name is official or just for fun. Who is Henry Plummer? According to Wikipedia, he was the sheriff of Bannack, Montana, who was accused of being an outlaw and hung.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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