Beer of the Weekend #952: Bohemian Rapids

The bottom shelf of the fridge has been a temporary home to some good brew recently. One of them was Bohemian Rapids, brewed by the Iowa Brewing Company of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Bohemian Rapids

Appearance: The color is gold with a light haze. A finger of off-white, dense, buttery head leaves trails of lacing and an even skim.

Smell: It is on the muted side and is malt prominent, but there are hints of grass/hay. There are hints of fruit esters, mostly strawberry. There is light earth and herbs.

Taste: Sharp, bitter, and tasty. This is a really good pilsner. Earthy bitterness is prominent and sits and meditates on the tastes buds. It evokes grass but otherwise there is no grass or hay character. It is malty and bitter. I like this a lot. There are hints of esters and citrus but they are fleeting. It is nice, sharp, and dry.

Fun facts about Bohemian Rapids:

• Style: Pilsner.

• Price: $9.39 for a six-pack of 12-ounce cans at Gary’s in Mount Vernon on April 9, 2021.

• Alcohol content: 5.2 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.


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