Beer of the Weekend #910: Michelob Ultra

I’m dogsitting for my aunt and uncle this weekend and their fridge has a lot of Michelob Ultra in it. As a beer drinker and (mostly objective) reviewer who won’t spend money to buy Michelob Ultra, this is an opportunity I cannot pass up.

So the beer of the weekend is Michelob Ultra, brewed by Anheuser-Busch of St. Louis, Missouri.

The color is very light gold that is clear and clean. A finger of white head leaves a skim and buttery collar. It is probably the palest beer I have ever seen. The can says it is “superior light beer.” It’s actually superiorly light beer.

The aroma brings to mind spilled beer that has dried on a wooden bar floor. There are scents of light cereal malt and light hops. It also has a light scent reminiscent of gasoline, which is concerning. Or maybe it’s paint or lacquer thinner.

The first sip is reminiscent of stale Cheerios—plain Cheerios. It fades, however, leaving only a light bitterness to make it resemble beer. This is beer-infused water, basically. It is meant to be chugged instead of enjoyed slowly, sip by sip, unlike what is seen in the commercials.

Fun facts about Michelob Ultra:

• Style: American light lager.

• Price: Watching Nina for five days.

• Alcohol content: 4.2 percent ABV.

• Calories: 95.

• This is the first Michelob-brand beer I’ve reviewed, which I think is both surprising and unsurprising. There are a lot of Michelob products—or at least there were. Michelob Amber Bock was one of the first beers I drank way back in 2000. It was a leftover six pack from a family friend who defragmented our computer. I think the bottles had been sitting in our fridge for two or three years by the time I drank them. Yuck! Thankfully, I did not know the difference at the time.

This Michelob commercial is one that has stayed with me from my youth, probably because it was played a lot during the 1992 Summer Olympics.

• This BotW is the “One after 909!”

The Quiet Man’s grade: F.

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