Beer Revisited: Dark Truth Stout
It is once again time to dip into my stock of aged beers. I'm revisiting a beer my cousin gave me for helping paint his kitchen in 2014 or 2015 (it's sad I can't remember): Dark Truth Stout, brewed by the Boulevard Brewing Company of Kansas City, Missouri.
The color is opaque black. A finger and a half of tan, rich, bubble-spotted, buttery head leaves a bubbly spot of foam on the surface surrounded by a broken skim and a ring around the edge.
The aroma is deep, dark, and rich. It is syrupy and has notes of dark fruit. There are scents of roasted malt, chocolate syrup, molasses, a touch of smoked malt or barrel char, light alcohol, and nondescript dark fruit (though I want to say cherry).
The first sip is leaning flat, but it recovers in subsequent sips. The flavor mirrors the aroma with characters of roasted malt, chocolate syrup, molasses, light alcohol, and dark fruit. The roasted malt leaves a lasting bitterness on the taste buds, and there is a note of smoked malt or barrel char.
Comparison to 2011 tasting
The back label mentions a "plum-like fruitiness," which I noted in my earlier tasting. However, I don't get it from this bottle-or, more than likely, I just missed it. My previous review also mentions coffee and sweet caramel. The beer seems to have aged decently, though it is long past the best by date printed on the bottle's shoulder (02/24/17). However, it is nothing special after all this time.
The color is opaque black. A finger and a half of tan, rich, bubble-spotted, buttery head leaves a bubbly spot of foam on the surface surrounded by a broken skim and a ring around the edge.
The aroma is deep, dark, and rich. It is syrupy and has notes of dark fruit. There are scents of roasted malt, chocolate syrup, molasses, a touch of smoked malt or barrel char, light alcohol, and nondescript dark fruit (though I want to say cherry).
The first sip is leaning flat, but it recovers in subsequent sips. The flavor mirrors the aroma with characters of roasted malt, chocolate syrup, molasses, light alcohol, and dark fruit. The roasted malt leaves a lasting bitterness on the taste buds, and there is a note of smoked malt or barrel char.
Comparison to 2011 tasting
The back label mentions a "plum-like fruitiness," which I noted in my earlier tasting. However, I don't get it from this bottle-or, more than likely, I just missed it. My previous review also mentions coffee and sweet caramel. The beer seems to have aged decently, though it is long past the best by date printed on the bottle's shoulder (02/24/17). However, it is nothing special after all this time.