Beer of the Weekend #771: 90 Shilling Ale

Once again, Colorado came to me in the form of the Odell Brewing Company, which began distributing in Iowa sometime in the last couple months. The beer of the weekend is the first Odell beer I have tried: 90 Shilling Ale, brewed by the Odell Brewing Company of Fort Collins, Colorado.

To me the color looks like bronze, but all the brewery descriptions say it is amber. Regardless, it’s beer and it’s in a pint glass. About two fingers of off-white, dense, shiny, bubbly-spotted head dissipates slowly and unevenly, leaving a lot of lacing on the glass. The aroma is floral with scents of caramel and toffee. There may be a touch of cocoa in there, too. The flavor is floral and it is also a touch metallic. The caramel and toffee are there, too. It’s a little toasty with some brown malt. It’s simple but tasty, and it slowly sweetens as it warms.

Fun facts about 90 Shilling Ale:

• Style: Amber ale.

• Price: $9.99 per sixer of 12-ounce bottles at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City. It was on sale, by the way. I think the normal price for a sixer is about $12 — way too much.

• Alcohol content: 5.3 percent ABV.

• IBU: 32.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+/B-.

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