Beer of the Weekend #629: Lasso IPA

Happy 175th birthday, Iowa City! I’m not sure if it is today or tomorrow, but the celebrations are this weekend. The fireworks were tonight, at least.

The beer tonight is Lasso IPA, brewed by the Great Divide Brewing Company of Denver, Colorado.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. The “BOTTLED ON” date printed on the label is “SEP 12 2014.”

Appearance: The color is dirty, cloudy amber. A finger of buttery, eggshell-colored head leaves a slowly dissipating skim that is spotted with bubbles and a thick ring around the edge.

Smell: The first whiff is a pleasing blend of citrus and sweet malt. There are scents of orange, grapefruit, floral hops, lightly toasted malt, caramel, a little lemon zest, and a touch of fruit, perhaps cherry.

Taste: The hop bitterness is sharp and prominent. For the most part, it carries the beer and overpowers the other flavors. Underneath the floral hoppiness are flavors of orange, lemon zest, and a little grapefruit, but they serve as background noise. It also has a touch of sweet, caramel malt. As the beer warms, the zest becomes much more prominent.

Drinkability: It’s drinkable. It is not my type of IPA — I would prefer a little more flavor complexity to complement the bitterness — but I will drink a couple bottles of it.

Fun facts about Lasso IPA:

-Style: IPA.

-Price: $1.79/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 5 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: Listed on the beer’s webpage are barbecue beef brisket, pork green chili, baked beans, Tillamook medium cheddar, and oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.

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