Beer of the Weekend #624: Lagunitas Pils

Recently, I told one of the LV editors that I am “behind on my liquid research.” I am. So I have decided to be ambitious (or crazy) and review or revisit one beer each day in December.

First up is a leftover from Thanksgiving: Pils, brewed by the Lagunitas Brewing Company of Petaluma, California.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. I do not see a freshness date.

Appearance: Pours a clean and very clear gold color. Two fingers of bubbly, eggshell-colored head dissipates slowly and unevenly, leaving a ring around the edge, lacing along the glass, and spots of froth on the surface.

Smell: Crisp, light, and refreshing — just what I love from a Czech pilsner. Pale malts, some musty grains, Saaz grassiness, and lemon.

Taste: It mostly mirrors the aroma. Pale malt, grassy hops, and a little lemon. A lasting bitterness works the taste buds in the aftertaste.

Drinkability: Light, tasty, and refreshing. This is nice and drinkable stuff.

Fun facts about Pils:

-Style: Czech-style pilsner.

-Price: $8.99/sixer at the Drug Town on First Avenue in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 6 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-.

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