Beer of the Weekend #509: Point Oktoberfest

It has been a busy week and I feel like starting the weekend with a post-work beer: Point Oktoberfest, brewed by the Stevens Point Brewery of Stevens Point, Wisconsin.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is medium, golden amber. A finger of amber hued head left an uneven skim and ring around the edge.

Smell: It is floral and musty at first, but then it smells very sweet. Caramel and toasted malts are present in the background, but the malts are mostly overpowered by apple cider and the floral and musty aromas.

Taste: Smooth and well-balanced. The caramel, toffee, and toasted malts are much more prominent and counter the earthy/floral hops. It has a pleasant bite, hints of apple and cherry licorice, and a clean, dry mouthfeel.

Drinkability: The aroma is not the most inviting but the flavor satisfies. Decent and drinkable.

Fun facts about PO:

-Style: Märzen.

-Price: $1.79/per bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 5.67 percent ABV.

-IBU: 15.

-Calories: 182 per 12-ounce serving.

-For the first time ever, Munich’s “meat drenched” Oktoberfest is catering to vegans. Sweet. Now I know I will have options if I ever make it to Munich.

-Speaking of Oktoberfest, I doubt I will be attending Amana’s edition this weekend. It’s a bummer, especially since I have practiced drinking from my Maß (with water, by the way).

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-.

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