Hot off the Press: Drill, baby, drill? edition

Opponents to Arizona's new immigrant law are using Major League Baseball and the Arizona Diamondbacks as a platform to voice their protest:,0,5598271.story.

April 30 marked the 35th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Here are two NYT op-ed rememberences, one from the northern perspective ( and southern (

The F Line tram service in San Francisco is a rolling transit museum with working exhibits from around the world:,0,3481545.story.

An English professor reminisces about life after college and what students should do after graduation:

Though the tide of popular opinion is mounting against high-fructose corn syrup, its makers are still trying to convince people there's nothing bad about it: It's nasty shit. Avoid it.

Some crazy woman stabbed four people at a Target in West Hollywood: A stabbing frenzy is pretty bad, though probably on par with the weird shit happening in LA every day. However, I'm not so interested in the crime as I am the fact she was approached and arrested by an off-duty cop who happened to be shopping in the same store. Is it just me, or are off-duty cops EVERYWHERE!? Though the statistics may show otherwise, it seems off-duty cops are involved in many incidents. A guy tries to rob a store, but everything goes awry because the man standing next to him is an off-duty cop. A group of teens are behind the bushes smoking a bowl, and an off-duty cop walking by with his dog catches a whiff of Mary Jane and moves in for an impromptu bust. If I remember right, a friend of mine was actually pulled over and given a DUI by an off-duty cop.


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