Beer of the Weekend #49: Turbodog

The beer this weekend is Turbodog brewed by the Abita Brewing Company of Abita Springs, Louisiana.

Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles.

Appearance: Poured a dark caramel brown. Two fingers of fluffy, light tan head developed quickly (might have been my fault, though) and lingered throughout the pint.

Smell: Caramel, sweet milk chocolate, and a touch of bitter coffee malts. Very pleasant.

Taste: It’s not as sweet as the smell. Bitter chocolate and caramel. It’s also a touch nutty. There’s a tingle of spice at the end, and also a hint of hops.

Drinkability: This brown ale is a little too bitter for me. It tasted like a wannabe oatmeal stout — a turbo brown. Still, it’s a decent brew.

Fun facts about Turbodog;

-Serving temperature: 45-50°F.

-Alcohol content: The Abita website says 5.6 percent ABV, but the BA profile says 6.13 percent. Which to believe? Abita. I’m under the impression BeerAdvocate is the Wikipedia of beer, where anyone with an account can edit information.

-Food pairings: From the Abita website: “This ale pairs well with most meats and is great served with hamburgers or sausages. It is a good match with smoked fish and can even stand up to wild game dishes. Turbodog is also great for marinating and braising meats and cooking such things as cabbage and greens. Colby, Gloucester, Cheddar and Blue cheeses go nicely with Turbodog. It’s perfect with spicy Louisiana jambalaya or Spanish paella. Some even like it paired with chocolate!”

-Calories per bottle: 168.

-Turbodog is the first American sixer I’ve seen wrapped in cardboard like a few European and Australian brews.

The folks at Abita are environmentally minded, and the wrapping apparently uses 50 percent less paper and glue than conventional carrying cases.

-In another recycling initiative, local farmers use Abita’s spent grains and hops to feed their cattle.

-The Abita Spring, from which Abita Brewing gets its water, is known for its purity and clarity. Abita means “healing waters” in Choctaw.

-Apparently, many experts believe moderate consumption of beer may improve your health, and the Abita Brewing website features a page on the health benefits of beer. Check it out.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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