The Leap Day dilemma

Happy Leap Day, everyone. I’m blogging today not only because I want to, but because I won’t get the opportunity to do so on February 29th for another four years.

A curiosity popped into my head while driving to work this morning: If your birthday was February 29th, would you celebrate it on February 28th or March 1st in non-leap years? I’d celebrate on March 1st, and not for the technicality of it — it is technically the day after the 28th, as the 29th is every forth year — but because February is a “blah” month to me. Perhaps if I had been born in February I’d think differently, but March means spring break and Saint Patrick’s Day. Cupid is just no match for bikini clad chicks and wee, drunken Irishmen. No match.


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