Beer of the Weekend #1,083: Happy Place

The beer of the weekend is something I picked up during a recent weekend getaway to the Badger State: Happy Place, brewed by Third Space Brewing of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Happy Place

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “CANNED ON 05-15-2024 09:55:26” is printed on the bottom.

Appearance: Poured into a shaker pint glass. A massive, dense, meringue- and hefeweizen-like head developed and dissipated very slowly and unevenly. It has to be one of the most impressive I have seen. The color is turbid, dull gold.

Smell: Enticing and bright citrus. Grapefruit, zest, caramel, pineapple, earthy hops, and peaches. It is creamy and sticky sweet.

Taste: Nice and balanced, though it is hoppier than citrusy. Earthy hop bitterness, grapefruit, creamsicle citrus. It is smooth, tasty, and drinkable—good stuff and happy place worthy.

Fun facts about Happy Place:

• Style: Third Space calls it Midwest pale ale.

• Price: $9.49 for a sixer at Mentink’s Market/Piggly Wiggly in Oostburg, Wisconsin.

• Alcohol content: 5.3 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via the brewery website:

Bright hop aromas meet flavors of citrus, stone fruit, berries and passion fruit in this flavor-filled yet supremely balanced hoppy pale ale. A meticulously selected blend of malts allows the full hop flavors to shine while keeping this brew smooth and balanced. This beer will take you to your happy place.

• Piggly Wiggly makes me think of my sixth grade teacher. He taught in the Milwaukee area before coming to Iowa City. One day in class, presumably while chastising us for not working hard enough, he told us about a former student of his who had done the same, did not try his hardest. He told us that a few years later, he saw the student working at “the Piggly Wiggly.” We all busted out laughing since we had never heard of Piggly Wiggly and thought it was a strip club.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.


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