Beer of the Weekend #1,053: Yard Yacht

Yard Yacht, brewed by the Confluence Brewing Company of Des Moines, Iowa, is billed as a beer “brewed for the Tuesdays, the workdays, and the humdrum doldrums of a midweek evening … the perfect beer for your weeknight getaway.” I can’t say my midweek evenings are humdrum, but I will take a weeknight getaway with an adult beverage.

Yard Yacht

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “CANNED ON AUG/09/23” is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into a nonic pint glass. The color is light creamsicle gold. A finger of bubbly, buttery head dissipates unevenly and leaves trails of foam on the glass.

Smell: The first whiff is a nice, invigorating dose of citrus and light fruit. I get lemon, orange, grapefruit, a touch of pineapple and melon, and maybe a hint of strawberry.

Taste: Not as exciting as the aroma but still tasty. Lots of citrus and yeast; it leans green. Much like the aroma, there are characters of lemon, orange, grapefruit, and a touch of pineapple.

Fun facts about Yard Yacht:

• Style: Confluence calls it session hazy IPA.

• Price: $10.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 4.5 percent ABV.

• Here is the full description via the brewery website and label:

This beer is brewed for the Tuesdays, the workdays, the hum-drum doldrums of a midweek evening. Yard Yachting is about escaping the mundane and seizing on the opportunity to make every day a little special. With the power of your imagination, and the help of some like-minded adventurers, a pedestrian after work hang can easily transform into a tropical vacation. Born from that spirit, Yard Yacht is the perfect beer for your weeknight getaway. Bursting with big bright flavors of citrus, berries and exotic fruits, but with an ABV low enough that you can enjoy a few without compromising tomorrow, it’s the perfect companion for whatever adventures you can dream up. Stop waiting for the weekend, pick up a 4 pack of Yard Yacht and set sail tonight for a break from the ordinary!

• The description on the can uses the spelling humdrum but the website description uses hum-drum. Humdrum is the correct spelling according to good ol’ Merriam-Webster.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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