Beer of the Weekend #1,049: Keg Creek Oktoberfest

It’s Oktoberfest season … which I sadly did not realize until earlier this week. Since it totally slipped my mind, I have not had any märzen, so I am changing that this weekend.

The beer of the weekend is Oktoberfest, brewed by the Keg Creek Brewing Company of Glenwood, Iowa.

Keg Creek Oktoberfest

Serving type: 16-ounce can. The “CANNED ON” date written clearly on the label (thank you!) is “08.28.23.” “PROST” is also included.

Appearance: Poured into a stange. The color is a beautiful golden copper. Over two fingers of off-white, dense head spills over the edge of the glass, like in a commercial, and dissipates slowly, leaving trails of lacing.

Smell: Malty, enticing, and much like an Oktoberfest. Caramelized and almost burnt sugar, toasted malt, honey, light grass, and earthy hop spice.

Taste: Nice and malty with a light bite. There are flavors of caramel, dark fruit esters, a touch of chocolate, and earthy spice. The mouthfeel is dry.

Fun facts about Keg Creek Brewing Company:

• Style: Märzen.

• Price: $13.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 6 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via the brewery’s website:

This Oktoberfest is a Southern German inspired FESRBIER much like the old Marzenbiers. Keg Creek’s is a beer that is malty but not too heavy; perfect for fall. Unfiltered so you get to enjoy the flavor of the balance of malt and hops. Prost!

Fesrbier? Again, I should offer my writing and copyediting skills to breweries.

• Last year, the European Commission declared Oktoberfestbier a Protected Geographical Indication of Germany, meaning that only märzen brewed in Munich can be called Oktoberfestbier in Europe.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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