Beer of the Weekend #1,013: Sweet Tooth

Today would have been Grandpa Wagner’s 100th birthday. He was a tough and hardworking man who survived the sinking of his ship during World War II, had eight kids, and tirelessly hauled milk for decades. I don’t think he liked beer as much as my grandma, but tonight I am toasting him with a beer: Sweet Tooth, brewed by the Big Grove Brewery of Iowa City, Iowa.

Sweet Tooth

Serving type: 16-ounce can. There is no freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a nonic pint glass. The color is dark, hazy lemonade. It has a lot of floaters. A finger of off-white, buttery, bubble-spotted head dissipates slowly.

Smell: Bright and citrusy and a little dank. Lemon, orange, and grapefruit. It has a nice vanilla creaminess, too. 

Taste: Bitter and citrusy with a boozy edge. It is a melange of orange, grapefruit, vanilla, and honey. The ABV is noticeable, but it is not overwhelming.

Fun facts about Sweet Tooth:

• Style: Imperial/double New England IPA.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 8.6 percent ABV.

• This is the final beer from my winter-season 12-pack. I brought home my spring 12-pack yesterday, so it was time to finish the one from winter.

• 1013 has always been a special number for The Foxy Lady and I. It was special for her first; I recall her telling me it was the address for a house she designed in an art class: 1013 Pearl Street. It has been popping up ever since and was a reminder of her during all those years we were apart. I always seem to check a clock when it is 10:13. The score of a basketball or football game is 10–13. I buy something, like a sixer, and the total is $10.13. October 13 (10/13) is now our wedding anniversary. So I wanted to do something special for BotW #1,013. The Foxy Lady suggested I drink something with Jam in the name in honor of our son. Unfortunately, I could not find Big Grove’s Tropical Jam (I reviewed Summer Jam a while ago). Sweet Tooth is not as special, but at least it came from the same brewery.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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