Beer of the Weekend #984: Little Middy

I am inching closer and closer to BotW #1,000. Not only have I not decided what to review yet, I have not decided if I want to write the number with or without the comma. It is trendy to use it without these days, but it looks so weird and wrong to me.

The beer of the weekend was Little Middy, brewed by Barn Town Brewing of West Des Moines, Iowa.

Little Middy

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “MIDWESTERNER CANNED MAY2622” is printed on the bottom.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is clean, mostly clear medium gold. Less than one finger of off-white, bubbly, bubble-spotted head leaves an even skim and thick ring around the edge.

Smell: Smell? What smell? I get almost nothing from the first couple of whiffs. A faint classic-beer aroma becomes noticeable. I get mostly malt and esters. Honey and a touch of grass emerge as the beer warms.

Taste: Simple, unpretentious, and tasty—for a while, at least. It reminds me of Czech pilsner, though it is not as grassy. It is a classic pilsner with malt, light zest, and a noticeable bite. It also reminds me of a Japanese lager. However, there is not much to it. It’s just beer. It makes me think of those generic store-brand cans of beer from the seventies (I assume they were from the seventies).

Fun facts about Little Middy:

• Style: Pilsner.

• Price: $9.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at Benz Beverage Depot in Cedar Rapids.

• Alcohol content: 5% ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.


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